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Covid-19 is teaching us something, are we learning?

Coronavirus a.k.a Covid-19 is the invisible, invincible virus that came and reset our laptops and entered our heads while the anti-virus was scanning. Alas, it was scanning the wrong place.

Like psychologists suggest, every human has two sides. While we are naturally getting attracted to the startling apocalyptic news items, we have a hidden die-hard optimist inside,  who must be intensely looking for signs that point to the end to this mayhem.

Today we have more than 300,000 Cases across the world and "new cases" graph is only going up and up. The death toll graph is  pointing upwards as of now and from the ~100,000 "closed cases", 12% have ended up with death.  These numbers can push up the stress levels, for sure. But, only if you feel like you have to protect yourself from it.
Don't get me wrong, but for a change try pretending like you already have the virus and just don't want to pass it to anyone. This way, complying to the directives of Social distancing will get simpler.

 I am making an attempt to dig up some humor and positivity in this crisis.  Smile definitely has to be more contagious than Covid-19.

1. Thank god for Technology and Connectivity : We are faced with this situation when a large part of our world population is equipped to work, yet be at home. Our kids are getting Virtual Classes and online home-works  to stay up to speed. Now, just imagine if it were 1918, the time of the Spanish Flu or any other deadly era. Look at the Pictures below and imagine yourself laying there without Youtube, Whatsapp, Twitter or Insta  passing this endless time on the bed waiting for the treatment to be found. I bet you are feeling grateful for all the little things that keep us busy today.

* Pic source : Wikipedia (1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic)
This Pandemic killed about 50 Million people worldwide and the virus affected, not just the weak and old but was pretty impartial and affected the healthiest youth.

2.  Family Time and that too Government approved : Are we not the same people who have been complaining about not getting enough family time? Now we have it and if we have not thought of what we would do during this time, then, we need to start planning quickly.
While you are at it, maybe, take some time to be grateful for the teachers for dealing with your children most calendar days and still managing to teach them something.
The view from where I "work from home" is something like this.

3. Opportunity for cutting the news clutter and picking your favorite : There is no better time to identify news channels that are spreading cynicism. Cut the clutter and pick your single source of legit news. See below and you decide. We must be grateful to the country specific dashboards that are being published, that keep us so up-to-date, that hardly any of us turn to News channels to get a view of the daily numbers of coronavirus cases.
4.  Covid-19 gave us Covid Memes : It's going to be quite difficult to beat some of the extreme comic creativity that surfaced, thanks to Coronavirus. A compilation of some of them are here.
Be grateful to Whatsapp and Twitter that we get to laugh through this time.

5. Animals reclaim a part of their earth: While Man is made busy washing his hands all jittery about catching the flu,the world has become a better place to live, or at-least for the animals. Look at the coincidence, An animal brought the virus to the humans to reclaimed its rightful place on earth that we share with them. (Courtesy: Wion News :

Now whether this is fake news or not, the point is that we are going to see cleaner water and cleaner air as a side effect of people staying home.

6. Creativity is through the roof : We all know how it feels when we really want to go out don't have a mask, as all the shops are out of stock. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Some of my favorite custom made masks are here.

Stay Safe! Stay Alive!


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